Do you ever feel like the decisions you make in your daily life are out of synch with who you truly are? You say yes when your insides are telling you no. Or you talk yourself out of what feels right because of some external pressure. Then you feel out of sorts, maybe resentful, or fed up, or frustrated or fatigued—kind of like you are on an endless road that has a stoplight at every intersection, and each light turns red right before you get there.
This month I gave a workshop in my hometown about exactly this. I called it “Intuition-based Decision Making,” but I could have called it, “Who is Driving your Decision-Making Bus?”
Let’s say I am on a road trip with a cast of characters I know only too well. Each of them has their reasons for wanting to drive my decision making bus. But there is only one that I, without a doubt, want to be driving my bus. She is who I call my Sacred Self. My Sacred Self has easy access to my intuition or my Wise Inner Voice.
From my perspective, absolutely everyone has a Sacred Self. It’s part of our birthright as humans. It’s that essential and timeless part of you, the part of you that is deeper than any of your roles, titles or labels. She is your Best and Highest Self. If you have a spiritual framework, she is that part of you who is permanently connected to Source.
When you are residing in your Sacred Self, you have the feeling of being in the flow, in synch, a feeling of stepping out of time. Your temporary worries of the future or your nagging concerns of the past slip away. You feel connected, calm, confident, and compassionate toward yourself. You are centered and grounded. You have a sense of “Ahhh—I am home.”
When your Sacred Self makes decisions, the decisions, by definition, are life affirming, have clarity and are in integrity with who you are. You are content to stand by your decision, even when unpopular, because you know that your decision came from your Best Self.
See why I like her to be driving my decision-making bus?
Some of you are saying, “Well, yes, who doesn’t want more of that in her life? But how do I find her? And by the way, are you sure everyone has one because I seem to have misplaced mine?”
First of all, I am 100% confident that you are equipped with a Sacred Self. And second of all, it only takes practice to find her. The more often you make time in your day to cultivate your Sacred Self, the better you feel because you are inviting the energy of your Highest Self to flow through you.
There are a variety of ways to find her, each unique to you. Ask yourself, what makes you feel in the flow? When do you feel expansive? Is it when you are in nature? When you are practicing yoga? Cuddling with a beloved pet? Gardening? Creating something beautiful through knitting, baking, cooking, art, writing?
Another way that is available regardless of your location is to tap into your imagination. You can quiet yourself with intentional breathing and then create a calm and restful place to visit in your imagination. If you want to give it a try, click below for a short (3 1/2 minute) audio meditation.
Once you are residing in your Sacred Self, you can literally feel what is best. When you have a decision before you, try on possible options. You will find that one potential choice makes you feel contracted and diminished, while another makes you feel expansive and affirmed.
Keep deciding in favor of affirmed and expansive and watch your life change. You will find that your daily life will line up with who you are inside. Now, that’s what I call living the good life. :)
Watch for my next post: What happens when my Sacred Self makes a decision, only to be kicked out of the driver’s seat by one of the rabble rousers in the back of the bus? For example, what happens when the “I-can’t-choose-that-because-that-would-be-selfish” part of me takes the wheel?