Deep Inner Wisdom resides in each of us. You have accessed it many times throughout your life. It’s that gut feeling, a “knowing” about a person, a situation or an upcoming decision. The beauty of this Wisdom is that it comes not from the ego that is wrapped up in our daily anxieties but from a place connected to our deepest self, our True Self, what I call the Sacred Self.
The Sacred Self is the essential and timeless part of you, that part that is deeper than any of your labels, roles or titles. It is your Best and Highest Self.
From my perspective, absolutely everyone has a Sacred Self. It is part of our birthright as humans. If you have a spiritual framework, you may think of it as that part of you that is permanently and irrevocably connected to Source. If the idea of Source or Spirit is not in your lexicon, it doesn’t matter. The birthright is still yours.
When your are operating from your Sacred Self, you have the feeling of being in the flow, in synch, of stepping out of time. Your worries of the future or your concerns of the past slip away. You feel connected, calm and confident. You are curious about life and compassionate toward yourself. You have a sense of “I am at home in myself and my life.”
Like all things, finding and cultivating your Sacred Self takes practice. The more you invite yourself to live from there, the greater your sense of well-being, and the more able you are to navigate your life successfully. When you access your Deep Inner Wisdom in making a decision, the decision by definition is life affirming and in keeping with the integrity of your True Self.
I practice living my life this way and my work is devoted to mentor people who want to live from their Sacred Self. I have found it to be a life of confidence, purpose and joy.