Here is the dilemma:
You spend much of the first 50 years building your outer self. You needed to. It's a natural and necessary part of life.
You worked hard to excel at all the roles, expectations and titles that come with leading a successful life. You met the demands and needs of other to the best of your ability. And mostly, it fit for you.
Until it didn't.
Now, a vague unease has crept in. A feeling of trepidation instead of anticipation about the future. You may feel a sense of diminishment, as though you are becoming invisible in your own life.
And yet...
You hear your inner self calling you back to yourself.
It comes in a delicious moment of self-ease and self-acceptance; an "aha" moment of connectedness and expansiveness; a spontaneous upwelling of gratitude for life.
You want more of that.
And you can choose to have it.
This is Living From the Inside Out.
Are you ready to live intentionally from the Inside Out?
Learn to:
· Know deep in your bones that you are of infinite value today, right now, no strings attached.
· Feel at home in your own skin (wrinkly, or not!).
· Calm those critical voices from the outside that have taken up residence in your head. (What if I told you that they originally meant well? They are simply misguided and can learn to quiet.)
· Recognize and listen with respect to your wise inner voice. She will steer you in the right direction every time!
· Honor yourself as the ageless, timeless beauty that you are!
Intensive six-month program includes:
· Your own personal guide, encourager, and accountability partner in Leslie.
· Twice-monthly 90-minute sessions, in person or by phone.
· Daily practices to enhance your learning. They can take just 5 minutes a day!
· Unlimited access to Leslie via her personal email for unscheduled check-ins.
· In-between-session check in phone calls.
· Three hour-long follow-up sessions after the program's conclusion.
Text 909-753-6220 or email to learn more.
Spiritual Direction is the ancient practice of one-on-one conversation with a trained and experienced spiritual mentor/companion. As we explore our unique and personal experiences of the Sacred, we discover and deepen what is core to living a fulfilled life. This growth enables us consciously to align our daily lives with what we consider most sacred and life giving.
Spiritual Direction helps us to connect with our deep Inner Wisdom located in what I call the Sacred Self. The Sacred Self is the timeless, essential part of us that is connected to All. When we reside in the Sacred Self, we are grounded and calm, have clarity and curiosity and are saturated with self-compassion. As we navigate our lives from this Sacred Self space, we feel in the flow of life, regardless of circumstance.
Spiritual Direction is generally held once a month, either by phone or in person for 60 to 75 minutes. Our first session is complimentary, as we discern whether we are a good fit.
Text 909-753-6220 to learn more or email